Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Torsdag den 1/4 har vi vårmönstring.
Vi snackar skit och VW sammt har en genomgång om vad som händer i sommar. Alla är välkommna till:
Sibylla i Lassabacka vid 19:00.

Ta gärna med någon ny som vill vara med.

Har ni fått ut bilen så rulla gärna dit med den.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Micke visit Wide 5 at Lakeland VW show

Long time without any update but now even the spring are on it's way in Sweden.

I just got some pictures from Micke that is in USA for some tuning of friends car. He send me some pictures from this weekend when he visit the VW show in Lakeland.
I just know that he have made a big hole in some of the guys head in Wide 5 USA with his talking ;)

I don't know if he try to make me jealous with sending me this picture, YES HE DOES! I also want some summer now.
I just got an SMS and he says that they was out looking for turtle eggs. Sure I belive him on that :D

I can see a lot of turtles, NOT.

Serenas stunning bus. If you don't want it anymore just give it me a call and shipp it over.
Some more nice Wide 5 VW.